Publicc links

What are Public Links?

These are links that can be accessed by anyone and everyone on the internet. This means your link welcomes visits from different cultures, geographic, and demographics.

Why Public Links?

This opens the door for our users & clients to access a wider audience with each link they publish while being able to effectively target the specific audience for your products and services using our targeting tools.

Everyone Knows the term Public and recognizes the word public based on everyday activities when in public spaces hence when seen in any given area it generally peaks interest to partake in any available positive experience geared toward the safety and development of the wider cross-section of society. This right here is community development, though normally conducted from a physical perspective by governmental bodies, our mission is to extend this right of access, safety, and willpower to the online space. Allowing people to effectively socialize, learn and share information in a humane and civilized manner online.